I got saved a year after a friend of mine turned me over to God because I wouldn’t listen to him. There were many reasons I was not interested even though I believed in God, but it was the approach most Christians took to sell their fire insurance. I wasn’t interested. Until I was. There were some good things that happened in that year but mostly bad. I lost my marriage, a third of my retirement income and was dirt poor. I knew I needed God or Jesus it made no difference Who showed up.
Joel Osteen’s church program on TV ended his sessions with, “If you can’t come to our church, find a good Bible-based church to go to.” Bible-based church? What on Earth is that? I never heard such words in my life and I did go to church, sometimes mostly not. I didn’t particularly like it. But, that is a rabbit trail, and I was still unsure where to turn in my time of need.
One day, I had a computer problem and took my CPU to the store I bought it from since I had bought an extended warranty and they sent me a tech who after doing his thing on the CPU and reloading the software on it, turned to me and he asked if I would attend church with him the next Sunday. I asked if it was a Bible-based church and he said that it was. So, I went and got saved that Sunday.
I told my friend about being saved and he told me to go the pastor and ask him to root and ground me in the scriptures. Which I did. That is what this blog is all about, except I want you to develop your own personal relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Scripture, especially Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) reading will be good, but the key to keeping your salvation is your relationship with the Author’s of the Bible. They will send you to the scriptures to support what They are telling you.
As you read the Gospels and use Jesus as a template of what to do. He, after all, called Himself the Son of Man (Matthew 12:8) which was, from my perspective, His way of letting us know how to follow what He did in his relationship with His Father who is in heaven.
This blog will speak to these things as we go along.